Accelerate Growth


Transform market position of a $50M Midwest insurance brokerage firm by revitalizing the brand, marketing and sales approach. Win larger accounts, offer a broader range of services and deepen customer relationships.

What we did

Work with the COO and senior sales leaders to create a differentiated brand position, insight-driven sales capability and marketing mindset. With customers and Advisors to articulate changing buyer expectations, develop a customized sales approach and toolkit to tailor solutions and promote collaboration across business divisions.


Lismore identified a new brand position focused on more innovative ways to address full-service risk management needs and set the company apart from national brands. With a Lismore Advisor acting as interim Chief Marketing Officer, we drove sales with target customers the client was previously unable to reach. The sales team deepened customer relationships by relating broader economic, political, demographic and legal trends to solve insurance and benefit needs. The company doubled its sales, and the sales leader was promoted to President of the company.

How we used our Advisors

Insurance, Risk Management, CRM, Sales, Marketing, Branding

accelerate growth